Ellia Kate Mitchell has arrived!!!!!! She was born on May 19, 2009 at 4:04 in the afternoon. She is the sweetest little thing I have ever seen! For those of you who don't know Ellia is the new baby girl of my best friend, Amy Mitchell and her husband Patrick. Being in the room with Amy and Patrick before she was born was magical! To hear her heartbeat and think that in a few hours she would arrive! Her heartbeat was so fast! She came out with a full head of hair and was this tiny little thing with the longest feet! I am so blessed to be Auntie Julie to such a cute little bird! **Please excuse the horrible grammar and excessive use of exclamation marks in this post! I am going on very little sleep and cannot express how excited I am about Ellia!!!! (see more marks!)**
Sorry for the long delay in posts. It has been such a crazy time! Here is the reader's digest version of my adventures over the past week... So, Monday was the fifth anniversary of when my boyfriend and I became official! So, the logical present is a house, right? well ok, maybe not but that is what we got! We have been looking for a house since the end of February and have finally found a match! I am so excited to finally end this search! We will close at the end of this month and that will be it! We will be homeowners! On Wednesday we picked the stain for the hardwood floors, we went with a dark walnut, and the carpet should be in sometime next week. Now I will have a whole new adventure of furnishing and making a house a home.
I can't believe how much things have changed in the past year! It has been such a whirlwind and yet somehow it all still feels the same. I keep waiting for it all to sink in. Let's just take a look at where the adventure has taken me in the past year:
i have a degree now. I am a college graduate!
i have a career, not just a job, a career!
i spent an eye opening two weeks in ireland.
i now support myself!
i have had 4 different hair colors!
i have had to learn to survive without one of my best friends because she apparently wants to be a yankee! =P
my boyfriend and i are going to buy a house!
i almost lost my dad.
lost a friend in a BASE jumping accident.
became a mother! (to my dog-child)
turned a quarter of a century old!
celebrated my hero and role model's big 80!!!!! (that would be my grandmother)
I thinks that is all the major highlights! I'm basically just trying to discover who i am and what i'm doing here....you know like every 25 year old out there! If I'm forgetting anything feel free to leave it in a comment! Stay tuned for the next adventure!